Vital Charlton Forum Changes

Vital Charlton has been the home of for a few months now, for whatever reason many of the thousands of members haven’t stayed. I often wonder why and struggle for an answer?

Vital Charlton is kept fresh, active and lively but the forum side of things was looking a bit “dead”. I’m not saying that it was thriving as it isn’t, but with several forums in it that weren’t doing anything it was felt it best they were removed (this isn’t to say they are gone forever.) For the immediate future those that weren’t needed have been removed, but if anyone is opposed to some of them having been taken away just say and we will see what we can do.

The hope is that there wont be so many “dead forums” now so people will not think that the website is dead as a result, as it isn’t it just looked baron with so many unused (and with all due respect unnecessary) areas so it was giving off the wrong impression.

If you are an active member give your thoughts, I’m not expecting everyone to be happy and don’t expect a glowing report if you don’t agree with the change but at the same time hopefully we will not just get negative after negative comment, remember this has been done to benefit the website.

Are you a member of Vital Charlton and/or but have gone away? If so come back again and give us a try again, it might be a new home for but it’s the same website (with some minor changes.) If you are new we welcome you to what is a good and friendly Addicks website with a good and honest membership.

What is the thought among the Addicks followers on this site on the changes in the forum? Share these feelings below so we can discuss them.

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